Intersection is involved in Horizon 2020 NUCLEUS project that investigates how to make Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) a reality in universities and research institutions. The answers to the questions like: what institutional barriers prevent these organisations from engaging with their stakeholders to align research with society’s needs and how can these obstacles be overcome, will give the directions for the establishment of the first Embedded Nucleus in Serbia, being one out of 30 international NUCLEUS test sites.
Intersection in NUCLEUS H2020 project

Intersection’s VP, Divna Vučković, is participating in the NUCLEUS project meeting in Bochum, Germany, on November 21st and 22nd 2016, in cooperation with Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The aim of the meeting is to lay the Foundations for successful NUCLEI, defining the related activities in the next two years of the project.
Intersection at NUCLEUS Conference 2016

We look forward to participating at the H2020 NUCLEUS project annual consortium conference taking place in Lyon, France, 12th-14th of October 2016. The conference will put in motion the development of RRI Roadmap strategies to be implemented in 30 NUCLEI sites in 2017, thus approaching the project objective of overcoming institutional barriers to Responsible Research and Innovation.
Intersection at GENERA’s Governing board / Gender Experts Board meeting

Intersection participated in the combined Governing board and Gender Experts Board meeting of Genera H2020 project in Bucharest, Romania on 10th and 11th of October 2016. GENERA aims to continue, monitor and improve Gender Equality Plans of research institutions and organizations, specifically in the physics research field, and Intersection is the contact point for this project in the SEE region.
GENERA project

Intersection joined GENERA project (Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area) as the observer partner and serves as the contact to SEE region. GENERA is a Horizon 2020 project aiming at continuing, monitoring and improving the Gender Equality Plans of Research Institutions and Organisations specifically in the physics research field. These three actions аrе performed by a Consortium of 13 beneficiary partner Research Performing and Research Funding Organisations and a number of associate partners and observers.